Oh the fun imaginative world of a preschooler! Just think of all of the fun crafts and activities that you can make with something so simple as popsicle sticks! We have so many great Popsicle Stick Crafts for Preschoolers listed below (38 to be exact!), that will keep your kiddos crafting for days!
We even have a section devoted to super simple popsicle stick crafts for toddlers for our even younger crafty kids.
What do I need to make popsicle stick crafts? You can of course use repurposed popsicle sticks. If those are too sticky for craft time, there are always a vast variety of new and unused popsicle sticks to buy in bulk to use in crafts.
Not a crafty type-A planning kind of parent? Honestly, me neither! We have a list of pre-made popsicle stick craft kits listed at the very bottom of the post! These craft kits have all the supplies needed to keep your child busy with crafty entertainment. They’re super cute ideas, too!
Easy Popsicle Stick Crafts for Preschoolers:

Crafts for Toddlers with Popsicle Sticks:
This is the part of our list that shows the ultra-simple, very limited supplies, little direction needed popsicle stick crafts catered exclusively for toddlers. Of course, kids of all ages can make these crafts, but we consider these select few to be easiest for the little ones.

Popsicle Stick Craft Kits and Books for Even MORE Fun Ideas!:
These kits give you everything you need for your kids to complete a fun popsicle stick craft. Some of them are super adorable too! I love the cute wooden popsicle stick houses with the little pigs or little squirrel characters included. So many fun imaginative ideas!
- ALEX Toys Little Hands Pop Stick Art Craft Kit (Kids can make 7 different popsicle stick crafts with this kit!)
- Popsicle Sticks Shaped Like People (100 Count! Make fun characters that look like your family or favorite book characters.)
- DIY Popsicle Stick Wooden House and Little Pigs Craft Kit
- DIY Popsicle Stick Wooden House and Little Squirrels Craft Kit
- Rainbow Colored Popsicle Sticks (2000 count! Make colorful popsicle stick crafts, all you need is your child’s imagination!)
- Popsicle Stick Crafts (Handmade by Me) Book
- DIY Popsicle Stick Crafts: Fun Popsicle Crafts You Should Make With Your Kids Book
- 1,000 Popsicle Sticks to Use for Popsicle Crafts
- 25 DIY Watermelon Crafts and Activities for Preschoolers
- 20 Fun Farm Animal Activities for Toddlers
- 12 Easy and Fun Pencil Craft Ideas for Kids
- 25 Back to School Crafts and Activities for Kids
- 12 Caterpillar Crafts for Toddlers
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